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Specialist, Talent Acquisition

Job Description

A collective energy and ambition. A place where you can make a real difference.

We’re a company that genuinely cares about our people, our products, our consumers and the environment.

Our unique, informal culture champions courage, determination and collaboration. Knowing we have an open and supportive team means each of us has the freedom to take responsibility and ownership. We have a shared passion to work hard, innovate and push boundaries.

United by the belief that when we strive for growth, anything is possible. While we might not be the largest company in our industry, we believe we can have the biggest impact because: Together We Have the Power to Win.


Poste contractuel, durée de 12 mois


Le/la spécialiste, Acquisition de talents, est responsable de la recherche, de l’identification, de la sélection et de l’embauche de candidats pour une variété de rôles pour notre usine à Montréal, ainsi que de la gestion des programmes de stages et de notre programme d’embauche des employés temporaires.

Le/la spécialiste de l’AT est également responsable de l’orientation et de l’inscription des nouveaux employés dans nos programmes d’avantages sociaux.


En collaboration avec les gestionnaires, déterminer les besoins en dotation et les critères de sélection des candidats

Préparer les offres d’emploi internes et externes conformément à la description de taches et à d’autres critères de sélection et s’assurer que les offres sont affichées en temps opportun

Trouver des candidats qualifiés par le biais de canaux en ligne, y compris LinkedIn, site de carrière de l’entreprise, agences de recrutement, etc.

Examiner les CVs, mener des entrevues avec les candidats (au besoin) et fournir les CVs aux gestionnaires en temps opportun.

Coordonner les entrevues, participer au processus de première entrevue et fournir des commentaires et des recommandations sur les entrevues aux gestionnaires

Faire les offres d’emploi et gérer le processus de sélection pré-emploi

Aider les gestionnaires à améliorer leurs compétences dans le cadre du processus d’entrevue et de sélection

Gérer les programmes de stages avec des écoles techniques et des universités et superviser les activités de recrutement pour les employés temporaires, y compris l’affichage des offres, l’organisation d’entrevues, la sélection des entrepreneurs et la coordination du processus d’embauche

Assurer la liaison avec les agences de placement pour la formation et l’intégration des nouveaux employés temporaires embauchés

Gérer le programme d’orientation des nouveaux employés et l’inscription des nouveaux employés à nos programmes d’avantages sociaux

Concevoir et proposer des stratégies d’attraction et d’image de marque employeur pour construire des pipelines pour les candidats potentiels

Tenir des registres du matériel de recrutement, des notes d’entrevue et la documentation connexe.

Suivre et signaler les KPI et préparer des rapports

Tenir les superviseurs et tous les intervenants au courant des progrès des mandats de recrutement et des éventuels défis
Participer à des projets liés au recrutement.

Toutes les autres tâches connexes.


Baccalauréat en ressources humaines, en administration ou dans un domaine connexe.

Un minimum de 3 ans d’expérience pertinente dans le soutien de la fonction de recrutement, de préférence dans l’environnement de fabrication.

L’expérience en recrutement dans une industrie réglementée (p. ex. pharmaceutique) est un atout important.


Autodidacte motivé

Compétences exceptionnelles en matière de négociation, de communication et d’influence.

Compétences informatiques avancées et capacité à travailler avec les logiciels Microsoft Office, y compris Word, Excel et Outlook, ainsi que les systèmes SIRH (par exemple, Workday)

Connaissance démontrée des techniques d’entrevue fondées sur le comportement.

Excellentes compétences en service à la clientèle et capacité de gagner rapidement la confiance des clients internes.

Solide esprit d’équipe et capacité démontrée à travailler en collaboration pour atteindre des objectifs communs.

Capacité de gérer plusieurs priorités contradictoires et d’exécuter avec excellence dans un environnement au rythme rapide.

Bilingue (français - anglais)


Specialist, Talent Acquisition – 12 months contract


The Specialist, Talent Acquisition is responsible for sourcing, identifying, screening and hiring candidates for a variety of roles for our Montreal Operations as well as for managing internship programs and our third-party contractor agency hires program.  The TA Specialist is also responsible for orientation and enrollment of new hires in our benefits programs.


  • Coordinate with hiring managers to identify staffing needs and candidate selection criteria.
  • Prepare internal and external job postings in accordance with job description and other selection criteria and ensure jobs are posted in a timely manner.
  • Source qualified applicants through online channels including LinkedIn, Company Career Site, recruitment agencies, etc.
  • Screen resumés, conduct informational interviews with candidates (as required) and provide resumés to hiring Manager in a timely manner.
  • Coordinate interviews, participate in first interview process and provide interview feedback and recommendations to hiring manager. 
  • Extend job offers and handle the pre-employment screening process.
  • Support hiring managers in enhancing their skills and proficiency with the interview and selection process.
  • Manage internship programs with technical schools and universities and oversee third-party contractor agency activities including posting jobs, arranging interviews, selecting contractors, and coordinating hiring process.  
  • Liaise with third party contractor agency for co-employment training and onboarding of new hire contractors.
  • Responsible for the new hire orientation program and enrollment of new hires in our benefits programs.
  • Devise and propose sourcing and employer branding strategies to build pipelines for potential applicants.
  • Maintain records of recruitment materials, interview notes and related documentation. 
  • Track and Report KPIs and prepare reports.
  • Keep the supervisor and all stakeholders informed of progress and issues.
  • Participate in projects related to recruitment.
  • Any other related tasks.


  • Bachelor’s degree in human resources, administration, or a related field.
  • A minimum of 3 years of relevant experience supporting the recruitment function, preferably in manufacturing environment.
  • Experience in recruitment in a regulated industry (e.g. pharmaceutical), is a strong asset.


  • Motivated self-starter
  • Exceptional negotiation, communication and influencing skills.
  • Advanced computer skills and the ability to work with Microsoft Office Software including Word, Excel, and Outlook, as well as HRIS systems (e.g. Workday)
  • Demonstrated knowledge of behaviour-based interview techniques.
  • Demonstrated excellent customer service skills and the ability to quickly earn the trust of internal clients.
  • Strong team player and demonstrated ability to work collaboratively to achieve common goals.
  • Ability to manage multiple conflicting priorities and to execute with excellence in a fast-paced environment.
  • Bilingual (French - English)

Church and Dwight Canada is an equal opportunity employer committed to providing a barrier-free, inclusive and accessible work environment. Applicants may be entitled to reasonable accommodation in respect of a legally protected characteristic in accordance with applicable human rights legislation. If you require accommodation on this basis, we will work with you to meet your needs. Please inform our Human Resources department if you require an accommodation in completing this application for employment or for otherwise participating in the application process.

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Canada is more than its hulking-mountain, craggy-coast good looks: it also cooks extraordinary meals, rocks cool culture and unfurls wild, moose-spotting road trips.

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Church & Dwight strives to create an environment where everyone feels free to bring their authentic self to work every day.

We win when we respect every employee for who they are – regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation or any other differences. We believe that our employees’ contributions are richer because of their diversity. We aim to be a diverse, inclusive and equitable company and are determined to build a culture where people have the power to win together.

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CULTURE At Church & Dwight

We care - about our people, our products, our consumers and our environment. To honor these priorities, we’ve built our culture around the tenants of courage, determination and team spirit. We’re united by our small company feel and inspired by opportunities to make our mark.

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Equal Employment Opportunity for the Disabled At Church & Dwight

As an equal opportunity employer, Church & Dwight is committed to providing access and opportunities to individuals with disabilities. Applicants who require accommodation for accessibility to the online application system, the interview process, completing any pre-employment testing, or any other portion of application process, as a result of impairment from a medical or mental health condition, they may contact 877-809-8449 or email their resume and cover letter to     

To review Church & Dwight’s Equal Opportunities Employer Policy, click link below.

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